Monday, March 7, 2011

breaking news: heat continue to be exactly what they are

despite what you may have heard, yesterday was just another average day for the miami heat, in which they did everything they normally do:
1. lose to a good team:  miami is now 10-18 vs teams with winning records, 0-9 vs the top 4 teams in the NBA, and 0-6 vs chicago and boston, the 2 teams ahead of them in the east
2. lose a close game:  the heat are now 5-13 in games decided by 5 pts or less (0 for their last 5), and 1-16 in games decided on the last possession.  wait, ONE AND SIXTEEN?!? wow.
3. blow a lead because they don't know what to do on offense in the 4th quarter: maimi has lost 4 of their last 6 games despite double digit leads
4.  miss big shots: in just the last 11 days alone lebron has missed 4 times with a chance to win or tie the game in the last 10 seconds.  and here is the craziest stat of all; for the season the heat as a team are 1 for 18 in that situation with the game on the line.  THAT'S NOT EVEN 6%!  i think i could shoot 6% from half court with my eyes closed (seriously. give me 18 tries and i'll make at least one.  i know it.)

P.S.  i really didn't intend for this blog to be so heat-cetric, but this past week has just been like one long marathon monday

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