Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the most optimistic way to look at the celtics right now

since i left the garden monday night i haven't really watched tv or read much online, i've tried to avoid sports news.  i'm not really sure what people are saying, but my guess is the general consensus is that miami will close it out tonight.  that may well be the case, but here's the best argument i can make for why boston may still have a chance.  one thing i have said before is that this celtics team plays their best when they are counted out.  i can't see them not putting up a huge effort tonight.  if they can somehow pull out a win in miami, there is no reson to think they couldn't win game 6 back in boston.  and if it went to a game 7 they would have all the momentum, and lebron would be having nightmares about the pressure of that game.  so there you go.  it's not what i think will happen, but there's a chance. 

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