Saturday, July 16, 2011

I guess I should start using capital letters now

Ok, so here's the big news: I've been asked to contribute to a website called Cosby Sweaters.  Basically I'm just going to post some of my blog entries on their website as well.  I'm not sure how big a deal this is, but 1,637 people "like" it on facebook, so it's definitely a step in the right direction.  Here's the first thing I posted, my advice for buying a round of drinks in a crowded bar.   Anyway, it's a whole other thing, and I was up till 6 am last night just beginning to figure out how it works.  I'll write something new and interesting by Monday though I promise.

Oh!!!  I forgot, this is important: if you read one of my links on Cosby Sweaters, make sure to facebook "like" it!!!   I'm just starting to understand the significance of that, but one thing I know for sure is it's good.

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