Friday, July 1, 2011

something happened yesterday that i am kind of ashamed to admit

let me start by saying that i was on the vineyard and i had a friend staying with me.  we were out of the house all the time, and i barely turned on the tv, checked my phone, or used my computer.  but even after saying all that, i'm still kind of embarrassed.  the red sox played a game yesterday afternoon, and i never even knew it was happening until it was already over.  that's so out of character for me that i actually remember the last time it happened.  it was a saturday in july 2002, when a game scheduled for 7 pm was moved up to 1 pm.  wow.  i'm still kind of in shock.  i gotta refocus and get my head back in the game. 

on another note, if you'd told me 2 days ago that pedroia and varitek were going to hit back to back home runs out of the 4 and 5 spots in the order, i'm pretty sure i would not have believed you.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it's funny you mentioned that because I turned on NESN last night to watch the game while I was making dinner and didn't notice until the 8th inning (when it was 9pm but apparently still bright as day in Philly) that I was watching Sox in 2...
