Monday, September 19, 2011

Remember the Ground Round? That place ruled.

I saw a commercial for Uno's the other day that advertised "kids eat free with purchase of an adult entree."  It reminded me of when I was a child and my family used to occasionally eat at the "Ground Round."  The Ground Round was pretty much the coolest thing going for a kid 25 years ago.  They had free popcorn, a clown that came to your table, and there were always cartoons being played on a giant screen in the dining room.  But the thing I remember the most (and the reason the Uno's ad reminded me of this) was that at the Ground Round kids payed what they weighed; a penny per pound.  Growing up, my sisters and I were probably some of the skinniest kids on the planet.  I bet there was a time in the late 1980's when all 3 of us ate there for less than a dollar combined.

Allegedly the Ground Round still exists, at least it does according to their website.  I'm sure it's been at least a decade since I've seen one though.

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