Friday, February 24, 2012

Time Machine 2.0

Back in September I wrote a post about a time machine I saw parked on Arlington Street one night while walking home from work.  As it turns out, that car is frequently in the same spot next to the public garden late at night, and it just recently got an upgrade.  Here's what it used to look like:

And here's what it looks like now:

I wish the picture quality was a little better, but I can only do so much with my cell phone at 3 am.  Clearly the original version wasn't able to catch the bolt of lightning coming down from the clock tower, so the owner made a few changes.  If you look closely at the second picture, you can see that the pole is much longer, and two wire hooks have been added to the top.  Obviously these are essential components, I have no idea how he thought he could pull off time travel without them.

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