Sunday, April 29, 2012

Recycle Sunday 5.0: Lots of good stuff since the last time I did this

- Probably my #1 pet peeve in the universe right now is when people with iphones "reply all" to group texts.

- I think ESPN and other news outlets must be pretty sick of always getting scooped by twitter.

- The best comment that anyone has left on this website so far.

- I've discovered a major flaw in Shawshank Redemption.

- There is a TV show called Extreme Couponing that kind of blows my mind.

- Everything about getting a pedicure is a little offensive to me.

- The Wall Street Journal's analysis of "How Waiters Read Your Table" is very unimpressive to me.

- Remember that Jeremy Lin phenomenon?  From the very beginning, I never bought into it.

- Why does "Payless" think it's appropriate to ask for my address in order to sell me a pair of socks?

- Some good advice for young women out in bars.

- I'm tired of confusing text messages.  It's time for some new punctuation marks.

- This episode of 60 Minutes was the craziest thing I have ever seen on television.  Seriously.

- The four major sports teams in Boston have combined for 20 consecutive winning seasons.

- And here's a link to the previous "Recycle Sundays."


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