Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Penn St. football players shouldn't be going anywhere

Normally if you're a D1 football player and you decide to transfer to a new school, you have to sit out for a year.  But in the wake of this giant mess in Happy Valley (I wonder if people will stop using that name?), the NCAA has ruled that PSU players can leave without being penalized.  In the last several days a few players have decided to switch schools.  Given the fact that Penn St. has been banned from postseason play for the next for four years, it's understandable.  But I think it's an unwise move.

What happened at PSU and it's aftermath will eventually be known as the greatest scandal in the history of American sports.   And one thing I know for sure is that the media loves scandals.  Everything that happens at Penn State in the near future is going to be big news.  The first practice of the season, the first game, how well they play, how other teams react to travelling there, etc.  For PSU players looking to make a name for themselves and potentially reach the NFL, I can't imagine they could possibly receive anymore exposure than by staying right where they are.


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