Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Greatest Fireworks Show on the Planet

Thanks to my dad for the pic and my friend Emily for the video.
Every year the town of Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vineyard puts on a fireworks display on a Friday night in late August.  And every year it's the best one I've ever seen.  Each year a little better than the last.  At the end they shoot so many off at once that you can feel the ground shaking.  Car alarms go off.  Babies cry hysterically.  Sometimes ash even falls in your beer.  It's just nuts.  Plus, it always features new kinds of pyrotechnic technology; lately often involving unexpected smaller explosions trailing the original bursts.  Here's a two part video of the finale.  The highlights are at the 28 second mark of the first one, and the 30 second mark of the second.


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