Monday, August 20, 2012

Unlikeable Red Sox?

Carl Crawford appears to be done for the year.
So the Red Sox are extremely disappointing at the moment, and everyone is pretty much sick of them; which is totally understandable.  In fact if you read my latest post for CLNSRadio, you'll find that it looks like they're basically giving up and shutting down Carl Crawford for the rest of the season.  I don't blame anyone for not wanting to watch anymore; I have to write about them and I'm barely even paying any attention at this point.

But, the thing that's funny to me is how often I keep hearing the word "unlikable" used to describe them, Josh Beckett in particular.  I'm fairly certain he was just as big a jerk back in 2007 when he looked like one of the greatest postseason pitchers ever.  The only reason people care now is because he gets lit up for about 6 earned runs every time he takes the mound.  There's nothing any more or less likable about the guys on this year's team than any others in the past.  The only difference is that we think they should be winning and they're not.


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