Thursday, January 17, 2013

3 thoughts on the Manti Te'o fake dead girlfriend story

In case you haven't turned on the TV or interwebs in the past 24 hours and this is the first you've heard of this story (in which case I'm flattered is your go to choice of media), here it is on

1.  If you have ever seen the MTV show Catfish (or the movie it's based on) you know that these internet hoaxes do happen.  But, they tend to happen to people who for whatever reason are social outcasts, those who might easily be duped by a made up internet person because they lack their own real life social interaction.  It seems very very hard to believe that a good looking guy at Notre Dame, who is one of the best and most famous football players in the entire country, would ever resort to the internet because he can't find actual tangible girls who are interested in him.

2.  It absolutely blows my mind that no media ever looked into the fake girl or her fake death in the past 5 months.  As Te'o almost won the Heisman and Notre Dame made it all the way to the national title game, this "inspirational" story was reported time and time again.  Somehow nobody ever fact checked it.  That doesn't seem possible.

3.  Te'o needs to explain what happened, and he needs to do it right now.  If he's telling the truth and he is just the victim of a cruel hoax, then he has nothing to hide.  He should start answering every single question that anyone has.  The longer this goes the worse it looks for him, and the more and more likely it is that he is involved.

Also, when I went to categorize the post just now I laughed out loud as I put it under "general unawareness of others" (who don't even exist).


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