Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Red Sox to host month long "happy hour!"

From Boston.com
For the last couple weeks I've been thinking that I haven't given the Red Sox their due attention this spring.  Case in point, I know next to nothing about Jackie Bradley Jr.  However, the team made an announcement today that's got me feeling a little giddy: Fenway Park will be selling $5 beers and two-for-one hot dogs during the entire month of April.  Well done Red Sox, well done.  The second I heard the news this morning my instantaneous thought was whether or not they would run the promotion on Marathon Monday.  But then shortly after the bartender in me realized that they have to; or else they'd be breaking the law.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission regulation 204-4.03: Certain Practices Prohibited (1c): 
"No licensee or employee or agent of a licensee shall sell, offer to sell or deliver to any person or group of persons any drinks at a price less than the price regularly charged for such drinks during the same calendar week."
It's the Massachusetts "no happy hour" law, which basically just states that if you're going to run a drink special you have to do it all day every day for an entire week.  So if the Red Sox are planning to sell beer for $5 during the likely sparsely attended Kansas City Royals series April 19-21, they also have to do it on the best day of the year (which also happens to be my birthday this year) as well.  It's going to be awesome, I can't wait.

Also I often forget to eat amongst all the hoopla and silliness of this day, but there's no way I'm not getting two hot dogs this year.


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