Thursday, February 6, 2014

ESPN isn't televising the Sochi Olympics (but they hope you won't notice); NBC makes them look like Star Trek

NBC has held the exclusive rights to broadcast the Olympics in this country for years (since 1988 for Summer and 2002 for Winter), but ESPN is doing their best to make you forget that the "worldwide leader" can't actually show any events themselves.

Here are a couple of the official logos representing the Sochi Winter Olympics beginning tonight:

And here is a photo containing the logo that NBC is using for their coverage (which I have to say does a spectacular job making the Winter Olympics look very much like a new sci-fi series that I probably don't want to watch):

And finally here is a screenshot of ESPN's Sportscenter featuring a logo they created specifically for their own reports on what happens in Sochi:

Pretty lame ESPN, you're better than that.  I wonder if I should try this out myself?

Mine's got mountains, and the colors of all five rings.  Beat that.

1 comment:

  1. This kills me. Sad to hear about ESPN though because NBC is terrible when it comes to the Olympics.


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