Friday, February 28, 2014

Kevin Youkilis will play paintball with you for the bargain price of $3,600

I probably had at least 6 of
Stanley's '87 Topps card. 
There's a website called "Thuzio" that allows (mostly) retired athletes to try to make a buck by selling themselves out for whatever they are willing to do.  If you're a Red Sox fan who can't afford to pay over three and a half grand to shoot paintballs with Youk, how about lunch with 1980's middle reliever Bob Stanley for a mere $625?  Still too much?  Why not book former Iowa Hawkeye and the #19 overall pick in 1993, one-time Celtic Acie Earl to attend you fantasy draft for just $250.  Or if you're really pinching pennies you can get Jeff Feagles (who punted for the Patriots in 1988 and '89) to send you a tweet for $200 even.

After perusing the site for about ten minutes I think the best deal I found was the opportunity to play a pick-up game with Antoine Walker for $2,500.  When eventually gets bought out for $10 mil by Disney/ABC/ESPN I'm totally doing that.

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