Monday, May 26, 2014

"Now there's a steal by Bird, underneath to DJ, he lays it in!"

Clay Buchholz just walked 8 guys in 3 innings, and the Red Sox are headed for their eleventh (I wrote the word out for added emphasis) straight loss.  For Boston fans in need of a little sports pick-me-up while celebrating Memorial Day, how about this: Today is the 27th anniversary of Larry Bird's iconic steal in Game 5 of the 1987 Eastern Conference Finals vs the Pistons.

There aren't very many sports play-by-play calls I actually remember word for word, but Johnny Most's description of this moment is one of them:

If this version doesn't give you chills, you're not a sports fan, plain and simple:

Personally I never though Dennis Johnson got enough credit for making that layup.  As far as layups go it was a pretty tough one, and under those circumstances it was mighty impressive.

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