Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Apparently Ticketmaster knows more about the Celtics' schedule than they do

I got the above email from Ticketmaster yesterday (click here for coupons).  I was a little surprised by this, because as far as I knew the NBA's 2014-15 schedule did not exist yet (I think the league is still unsure as to whether or not they'll follow LeBron's orders to extend the All-Star break).

I decided to take a quick look at Celtics.com, but the site has nothing about the upcoming season under either the "Schedule" or "Individual Game Tickets" sections.  Preseason games aren't mentioned anywhere.

But sure enough, Ticketmaster.com knows exactly when and where Boston (and New York as well) will be playing on October 8 and 11:

On the off chance you're dying to go to Connecticut in mid-October to watch an exhibition game or two between the Celtics and Knicks, you're in luck!


  1. http://mohegansun.com/events-and-promotions/schedule-of-events/celtics.html

    In the old days, teams used to set up their own pre-season schedules -- economic necessity, ya know? Are there any vestiges of that tradition still lingering? Maybe the league discourages teams from promoting these events until the actual schedule is announced?

    In one of his books, Red tells of sitting in a hotel somewhere in Maine a few hours before an exhibition game when one of the players (Cowens, I think) walks in looking like "Who did and what for" -- he'd been out hiking or something. Player says "Howdy" and disappears, returning spiffy (tie and sport coat) about 30 minutes or so later. The point of the story related to the kind of character he was looking for in his players. (And the more I think, it may come from some interview I'd stumbled upon.)

    1. Yeah, considering the C's and Knicks play twice in 3 days half way between the two cities, I'd think the teams have a huge say in making their won preseason schedules. It's just weird that Mohegan and the Hartford Arena can promote it now, but the Celtics can't... And how funny is that angry guy in the other comment thread? Ridiculous!
