Sunday, November 23, 2014

Awesome Old Song of the Week: "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money

Take Me Home Tonight hit No. 4 on the Billboard charts in 1986.  I'm not sure what it is exactly, but there's something about the chorus that just gets you.

When the movie of the same title came out a few years ago, I thought it was going to be huge.  But it seemed to come and go without much fanfare, and I never even saw it.

I forgot about it completely until recently when I happened to notice it on TV as I was going to sleep one night.  I only lasted through the first half-hour or so, but I'm going to make a point to find it again and watch it, it seemed to have promise.

Topher Grace is a better actor than people give him credit for, and I'm a big fan of the blond actress Teresa Palmer from Warm Bodies, I Am Number 4, and The Sorcerers Apprentice.

Yes, I actually saw all three of those...

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