Monday, April 13, 2015

I can't wait for the 4-way tie for 2nd place in the NBA's Western Conference

The other day the San Antonio Spurs were sixth in the West.  Now they are second.  Similarly, the Houston Rockets dropped from second to sixth with a single defeat.  With two games remaining (one for the Spurs), there are four Western Conference team that have 26 losses.  Here's a screenshot of the current standings from (the Trail Blazers are guaranteed the fourth seed by virtue of winning their division):

There's a very real chance San Antonio, Houston, the Clippers and Memphis could all finish 56-26 or 55-27.  The tiebreaker to determine who is second, third, fifth and sixth would be determined by division winners (Spurs, Grizzlies or Rockets, which would have their own tiebreakers first), followed by each club's record in games played among those teams teams, followed by overall conference record if it's still tied.  It took me long enough to figure that out for the Celtics, Nets and Pacers (read how Boston can avoid the Cavs in Round 1 on CelticsLife), so there's no way I'm going to dive into that for four teams out west...

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