Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Spectacular YouTube rabbit holes: "Auralnauts" and Screen Junkies' "Honest Trailers"

The genius of YouTube is that you search for one thing, but an hour-and-a-half later you've watched 54 more related clips.  Here's my most recent rabbit-hole experience:

It started when two Twitter accounts I follow for Celtics news got involved in a conversation regarding the newly released trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  Included was this highly comical video (if you're a Star Wars fan) in which Darth Vader's grandson, Kylo Ren, takes in the preview for the new spinoff film:

Shortly after that I was watching "Terminator Genisys Trailer - Paradox Edition" (time-travel movies always have serious logical flaws...):

Then it was back to "STAR WARS EP 1: Jedi Party":

Before I got sucked into the rest of that series from Auralnauts (which I'm sure will happen on a later date) I was diverted by Screen Junkies' "Honest Trailers," another YouTube gold mine.  Here's their Game of Thrones:

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